Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blood in the Water

I was listening to Hot 97 New York the other morning and tuned in during a HEATED discussion about who the best Female MC is and Cipha Sounds stated that he felt it was Nicki Minaj which I feel is a fair statement, not because she’s new because that doesn’t mean much to me. The fact is she kills verses. I’m not talking about the popularity contest that happens in Hip Hop (which she is winning by the way), I’m speaking of lyrics and style.

Of course, this statement of opinion caused a whirlwind of hurt feelings and heated lashes to the tune of “she’s garbage”, she ain’t better than Lil’ Kim” and even a “her verses ain’t better than Eve’s “Love is blind” which made no sense since they were two completely different songs. I always hear these remarks and wonder, “what am I listening to that others are not”, and “why is the comparison to Lil Kim and not MC Lyte, Missy, Eve, or any other female M.C.”? It may be because she has a bit of the Lil’ Kim persona by being sexy and fashionable or it could be that Lil’ Kim is the only female that went so far out of the way to make an issue of what Nicki is doing. Kim is the Queen Bee hands down and most of us love her and respect her so she will always have that status so there was no need to go on her campaign. Her campaigning has finally led to a direct fire storm thrown in her direction from Nicki on her new song “Roman’s Revenge” with Eminem and it’s not looking so good for the queen.

Let’s just be real about the situation, “Hardcore” was and is still that joint, but after that there hasn’t had the consistency to truly hold a crown but because she claimed it and we love her, we ride with. I have no problem with that although I feel that Missy has been the most consistent with putting out dope isht pound for pound. But since that album, there hasn’t been an overwhelming amount of substance to hold the crown. Since the discussion is being regurgitated time and time again I will have to agree with Cipha Sounds. I’ll go so far to say the crown is being snatched off of her head. This verse may have been blatant but an argument can be made that Nicki has been killing this lady all summer long. There is not one Lil’ Kim verse that can match up to what she did on “Monster”. Cipha stated that he was Lil’ Kim’s DJ at one time and that she is his friend, but Nicki “bodied her” on this new song with Em and I am inclined to agree. People we have to get past what things were and what you are in tune with and simply give a high five when there is good shit going on.

I have yet to get a real answer on why Nicki is so whack other than “she is trying to be like Kim” or “her ass is fake”. I say print out the lyrics and read them one after another and then listen to the emphasis on words, character, style, and passion and if you feel that Lil’ Kim is still better; I’ll catch you when you leave the 12 step program. I’m about Hip Hop and I get technical at times, and this is a Technical Knock-out. What Kim has to do is make some hot music FAST because she can’t afford to let this tarnish her image. But for now, the heat is definitely on. Let’s see how the competition holds up. As always, feel free to voice your opinion and TELL SOMEBODY!

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